I have always found Search and Destroy to be not only the most annoying but also the most difficult game mode in the Call of Duty games. My particular game style usually involves more running than being careful. As much as I have tried, I have never been able to have a positive kill/death ratio in the Call of Duty games, I have had the infrequent game where I have a positive ratio, but since it doesn't come easy to me, I play whatever is fun for me.
Why do I like Search and Destroy now? Is it the massive potential for points? No, it's definitely a plus if you need some big points, but it's not hard to go an entire match with no kills at all, no assists, no points, very tough if you've just spent 15 minutes getting killed by the other guys. The best part of Search and Destroy is that it will make you a better player if you play to survive.
The most frustrating part is that there is no respawning during rounds. It's also what can elevate your gameplay in all modes. You only get one chance, so you learn very quickly all the site lines where somebody can shoot you before your time. Makes you proceed with caution and not just run into everything without ever looking. I know the maps better than ever now, just because it forces me to always be looking out for where someone could be lurking that could end my round.
It's true that most Search rounds end in one team killing the other and then winning that round. There are very few plants and destroys of the target. In order to successfully plant the bomb you really need to clear the area of enemies, and usually that results in killing off the other team, or the other team killing yours. It can really take some good teamwork to plant the target and win a round.
There is also the potential for individual and team heroics. I've been on both ends of a heroic comeback during a match. The standard Search and Destroy match consists of 3 rounds on target attack and then 3 rounds on target defense. It takes 4 round wins to win the match, if it's tied after 6 rounds, then it goes into overtime. Sometimes a team will win the first 3 rounds, essentially every round after this would be a match point round, 1 more and your team wins. Often the other team will come from 3 down and win the next 3 and the overtime round. There are no guarantees, even if it seems like you have the momentum in the match. So there is potential for team heroics and you always have to play hard because you can lose the match even when you are on the brink of victory.
Huge potential for individual heroism as well. There is a unique feature that lets everyone know who the last remaining player(s) are in the round. I've seen single players take on 2 or 3 opposing team members and come out on top. The whole time you are the last man, your team is following you and watching your every move, if you haven't gotten a kill yet in the match, this can make you quite the hero for your team if you pull out the round winning kill or bomb plant or defuse a bomb. It's very exciting to follow a lot of players, kind of nerve wracking when you get the message "It's all up to you now! Finish the mission!"
Search and Destroy, play it to win, your game will get better, be a hero to your friends!
I do enjoy playing S&D but haven't in a while. Probably because most of my friends don't play it.
ReplyDeleteI think there are a few key items you may want to have in S&D though such as your stealthy items that allow you to move around with little noise for example. Items like that really help you stay alive a bit longer.
I do like your comment though that S&D does improve your game all around as you learn the maps, you learn the vision points, and you learn some good strategy.
We should connect and play it some, I think it's really fun, as soon as I can I will post my video of my first match, got 4 kills no deaths in the first round I played with Dragunov